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New Year


Motion Design
(Finished this during the internship in Subkarma from 2017.9 - 2017.12)

TYC 是一間販售與製造車頭燈的企業,此作品根據薩巴卡瑪已設計的視覺,再轉化成動態圖像,強調閃燈的意像,並用於新年賀卡祝福使用。


TYC is a headlight retailer on the big track‭. ‬Vehicle Lighting Device is their core product‭, ‬main to provide a safety drive and‭ ‬smile‭. ‬


The Visual Image is designed by SUBKARMA‭, ‬then I turn it into the 2D motion‭. ‬The motion is focusing on the lighting and explosive‭ ‬motion‭, ‬hoping to light up the future for the New Year‭.‬

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