Fresh Graduation Graphic Designer
Hi, my name is Wu Tsz Hin but you can call me Tiga as well.
I born in Hong Kong in 1995. I graduated from the Chaoyang University of Technology in Visual Communication Design degree in Taiwan, 2017 Summer.
I love design, concept, story... all the things that can tell a story and that's why I love to travel. Communicating with different people and keep learning things are ways to improve my value. I do think "Design" is amazing but not the all, it is more like a thinking method to me. But still, I hope to work with awesome guys and make things happen and let it become a part of the world.
To accumulate more experience, I participated in an internship at "Victor Branding Design" for 2months. I had learned a lot from there like something about packaging structure, O2O & local consumer branding design, observe how they presented their works to the clients. Besides, I also cooperated with my university to design the business card, school gifting flag and the tea packaging for the VIP during my school life. Through these experiences, I can apply my knowledge in a practical way such as how to communicate with the printing house and finish the document.
After graduated from CYUT, I joined SUBKARMA as a graphics intern about 3 months from 2017.9 - 2017.12. SUBKARMA is an advertising & design agency based in Taichung, Taiwan. During my internship, I had a chance to participate in different cases, like "Lefoo", "Taiyan", "Sanyuan", "Genesis", "XSG" & "VTES". In SUBKARMA, you have to co-op with other departments like Brand Department, Multi-media department, and Exhibition Department. Because of the comprehensive structure of the company, we learn to share our ideas. As my professional, I learned how to Visualize the words and communicate to the consumers as a brand maker. Really my pleasure to work with SUBKARMA in these 3 months.
Except for the graphic design, I do like reading about architecture, product design even something about the science and technology. it helps me to understand there are many ways to interact with others. Because of this reason, I read a lot of books and hoping to work with different talented people to make special things happen.
I Love Conversation,
I Love Chatting,
I Love Design,
I Love Everything,
I Love Peoples,
I Love Ideas,
I Love Life,
I Love ________.
為了累積設計的經驗,一方面在大三暑假2016.7 - 2016.9期間成功進入「美可特品牌設計」實習,並且獲益良多,了解到一些品牌設計相關的流程或是包裝上的一些開模知識。另一方面也與校方的部門配合進行設計,去充實自己的實務經驗。然後,在畢製上2016.9 - 2017.3,也因為製作的面向,而得以了解印刷廠部份實務與印刷執行,把實務與經驗互相配合,像分色完稿刀模等等都是一門學問,甚至展場上至外部的溝通都有一定的接觸。(感謝公司與同學中所有人無私分享的知識與協助)
接著在2017.9 - 2017.12間於「SUBKARMA」廣告品牌設計公司進行為期3個月的實習,實習間有幸參於「六福村」、「台塩生技」、「叄園」、「GENESIS」、「XSG」、「VTES」等等的案子。在公司中了解如何與品牌部門進行合作,把語言化成視覺表現,進行品牌上的溝通。相比以前平面設計中,對品牌建構、平面設計、媒體設計以及空間設計上有更多的認知。(感謝公司中所有人無私分享的知識)
除了平面設計,我也很愛流覽一些平面以外的設計相關領域,甚至是科技服務有關的資訊。像是建築與工業設計或是交互設計,畢竟最終對象對是人,因此可以觀察到人的不同互動模式,是一件很有趣的事情。我自己喜歡的設計師也多不勝數,同時也愛書成痴 ,也涵蓋很多領域,希望藉此增加自己的視野,也渴望與不同領域的人合作,把一些不同的觀點帶出去。