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My Magazine List 

  • 360 Design Magazine
    VOL. 38 Design & Social Value,
             39 Participatory Design,
             40 Re-invention,
             41 New-Blood,
             42 Sign for the invisible,
             44 Montreal,
             48 Buenos Aires,
             49 Design Archive,
             52 Designer at Work,
             55 Designer Photography,
             56 Designer’s Music,
             58 Design Academy,
             60 Design Week,
             62 Designer’s Home,
             63 Sports Design,
             64 Type Face Design,
             65 Design Management,
             66 Design Partner,
             68 Design & Paper

  • BranD Design Magazine
    VOL. 13 Sense of Exploration,
             15 Line-Play-Create,
             17 Hand Communication,
             19 Brand Positivity,
             20 Culture Symbols,
             27 Designer & Era,
             30 Designer & Print 2,
             31 Small Top Shop,
             34 Kawaii Party,

  • IdN Design Magazine
    VOL. 23.5 Environment/ Signages & Wayfinding,
             23.6 Illustration In Pattern Making,
             24.2 Editorial Design

  • ART Quarter
    VOL. 04 Vision of the Dark side - the Best of the dark illustration
             14 Taste it! Food Branding & Packaging Made Success by illustration


  • Bazar ART 芭莎藝術
    2012.3. 展望 - 穿越137億年
    2012.5. Maurizio Cattelan - 搞死藝術
    2012.7. Damien Hirst - 老去的憤青
    2014.1. 曾梵志 - 復歸和平
    2015.1. 隋建國 - 走出他的時代

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