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Visual Identity & App icon design
(Supporting the designer during the internship in Subkarma from 2017.9 - 2017.12)

Genesis 是一間博奕遊戲公司,強調未來與人的關係,希望遊戲不只是遊戲,而是一種未來人與人之間的連結。在實習期間,協助進行視覺設計以及APP 圖像的提案。


Genesis is a Gaming company based in Taichung‭, ‬trying to connect the future and the human relationship‭. ‬Beyoud the game‭, ‬genesis is the future between the players‭. ‬During the internship‭, ‬I helped to design some of the apps icon and the visual image for the proposal‭.‬

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